09 February 2010

This would be #44.

After entah berapa lama, and tons of people actually want to know more of what's going on in my head, here's #44.

For starters, AMFC and AMK are not dead. AAC is not dead, and so are may others, Kai Stride, Rid, amongst others.

And the arguments against (or for) the malay community has become a hot topic, but it hasn't reached a point where we get approached by the ISA, and CID and what not. So let's just keep it down, alright.

Many people (me included) feel that the Malay community needs to be fixed, like its broken. Yes it needs to be fixed, but it's not broken.
The Malay community is filled with its problems, but it doesn't mean that the other communities don't have them. Just that, the incidence of these things are much higher in the Malay community.

For the last ten years, I've done volunteer work, to empower and to uplift those whom I've met in my journey, out of the poverty cycle, out of the whole negativity but it's not easy. You would literally need to kill the parents, so that the child would be able to grow to how you like them.

But that's not something that we want, do we?

The toughest challenge of changing any society is to change their mindset. Apparently all that propaganda and brainwashing that took place since the mid-1960's is having a weaker effect on us now.


  1. hey!
    Congrats for the Mendaki award! :)
    Was there and nak tegur, tapi tak berkesempatan pulak.
