27 July 2009

I can do the same.

I'm gonna save Mira this time.
Cos I realised she's actually a nice person.
But this girl, she's just poison Ivy.

I don't mean the sexy one from Batman.

I mean the one who just suffocates you.
The one who will leave u with a bad taste in your mouth and make you terkejut until you terkencit and terkencing.

I bring you the mofo of all mofos...

Ni kirakan baru the start of the poison. Don't make me create a scene here.


  1. you need to blog about this macam paham blogger.

    trying to copy minahspeak style of blogging.
    she makes me sick!

  2. Nothing much there.
    It's boring.
    I won't blog abt her.

    Copying minahspeak?
    Oh please. MS @ LJ is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better, about a million times better than her la.

    She's just complaining just like me. I'll leave her alone.

  3. stop mengutuk org. dier tak ganggu hidup kau, kau jgn nak start. ur jus a stupid idiot yg cari pasal. tgklah sape yg cari pasal dulu. u or her. stupid idiotic jerk!

  4. How can you ask a dog to stop barking? It's fine if you ask a human to stop talking but not a DOG to stop barking. Takpe lar anonymous.. Let him bark till he's happy. Once he's done, he'll know what it feels like to be shamed like this. Agaknye kan, dia jadik cam ni pasal bekas2 dia semua tinggalkan dia. Tgk lar muka dia. Gigi dia. Takder selera aku! Muke anak aku lagi hansem cam bapak dia.

  5. hahahahhaha... baik pe... a barking dog.. by doing this wont make u famous lah boy. hahahahah...

  6. Put it this way.
    Real people comment with REAL names.
    Yea, this dog barks, and I'll be pretty sad if your kids looks like MY dad, then he'll look like me. And that's bad.

    Keluar je muka anak kau macam orang tua eh. Sedih, sedih. A face that only a mother can love.

    And I'm not TRYING to be famous. =)
    Cos you can see that I don't really go spread to everyone to read my blog. I don't need that..

    In anycase, Thanks for coming. I know for sure that I got you reading my blog. =)
